Apis for contract resources
Apis for contract resources
"contractTemplateId": 1,
"matterId": 321,
"parentContractId": 123,
"fields": "{\"field_1\":\"field 1\",\"field_2\":123,\"field_3\":[\"yes\"],\"field_4\":true}",
"name": "Test Contract",
"externalId": "123",
"teamId": null,
"contractFile": null
Gets or sets the filtering logic for filters. Value by default is 'and'
Array of filters object (optional)
Object Properties:
Operator used for filtering (optional)
Controls the scope of contracts returned by this operation
Default: Personal
No request payload
"data": [
"restricted": false,
"$id": 123,
"name": "Example contract",
"onContract": true
"total": 1
No request payload
No request payload
"id": 95,
"title": "My Contract",
"description": "Contract ID: 95",
"name": "My Contract",
"matterNumber": "LV1234-0012",
"contractStatus": "Draft",
"ownerId": "08FD1ED1-627E-4CB9-8388-731227584D21",
"lastActivityDateUtc": "2023-12-15T08:30:00.0000000+00:00"
"id": 789,
"title": "Another Contract",
"description": "Contract ID: 789",
"name": "Another Contract",
"matterNumber": null,
"contractStatus": "Void",
"ownerId": "BE17D7D6-721A-4F6D-B081-CAABB6D8F5B9",
"lastActivityDateUtc": "2024-01-12T10:00:00.0000000+00:00"
"id": 684,
"title": "Different Contract",
"description": "Contract ID: 684",
"name": "Different Contract",
"matterNumber": null,
"contractStatus": "Executed",
"ownerId": "BE17D7D6-721A-4F6D-B081-CAABB6D8F5B9",
"lastActivityDateUtc": "2023-12-10T03:30:00.0000000+00:00"
No request payload
The update request (in jsonpatch format)
[ { "value": "123", "path": "ExternalId", "op": "replace" } ]
No request payload
No request payload
"detailFields": {
"schema": {
"properties": {
"field_1": {
"fieldId": 1,
"title": "An example field name",
"description": "Example field description",
"lawvuType": 7,
"isReadOnly": false,
"type": "boolean",
"label": ""
"order": [
"required": [
"model": {
"field_1": true
"coreFields": {
"schema": null,
"model": null
The update request (in jsonpatch format)
{ "value": "new value", "path": "/field_string", "op": "replace" }
Details of the contract to be created
Optionally set an ID from an external system. Uniqueness is enforced for your organisation
Assigns a team to the contract. This can be required [ref: contractTemplate: TeamRequired]
{ "contractTemplateId": 1, "matterId": 321, "parentContractId": 123, "fields": "{\"field_1\":\"field 1\",\"field_2\":123,\"field_3\":[\"yes\"],\"field_4\":true}", "name": "Test Contract", "externalId": "123", "teamId": null, "contractFile": null }
No request payload
"id": 1,
"name": "Entity 1"
"id": 2,
"name": "Entity 2"